PICO (Clinical and Quantitative)
- Population/Patient/Problem - What is the population or characteristics?
- Intervention/Exposure - What is the intervention, exposure, prognostic factor, treatment, etc.?
- Comparison - What is the comparison?
- Outcome - What are the expected outcomes, improvements, measures, etc?
Other elements that can be added:
What is the duration of the intervention?
What is the follow-up schedule?
Is the question about diagnosis, treatment, prevention, prognosis, or etiology?
- Type of Study or Study Design
What study types might you be searching for?
Where is your intervention of interest taking place? (e.g., school, hospital, rural, etc.)
Where is this happening? (e.g., geographical location, service location)
What is the social or cultural context of your population?
Variant frameworks:
- PICOC = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Context
- PICOS = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study type
- PICOT = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time
- PICOTS = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Timing, Setting
- PICOTT = Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Type of question, Type of study
- PIO = Population, Intervention, Outcome
PEO or PIO (Qualitative)
- Population/Problem/Patient - Who or what is my question focused on?
- Exposure/Issue/Intervention - What is the issue of interest?
- Outcome - What, in relation to the issue, is being examined?
SPICE (Qualitative)
- Setting - What is the setting/context? Where?
- Population/Perspective - Who are the users, potential users, stakeholders of the particular service? For whom?
- Intervention - What is being done?
- Comparison - What else has been tried?
- Evaluation - What measurement will be used to determine the success? What is the result?
ECLIPSE (Qualitative) - Used particularly with health and social care services, management, and policy-related questions.
- Expectation - Why is the information needed?
- Client Group - Who is the focus of the research?
- Location - Where is the service taking place?
- Impact - What is the effect or change being measured?
- Professionals - Who provides the service?
- Service - What is the service, intervention, program being studied?
- Evaluation - How will the outcomes be measured?
SPIDER (Qualitative or Mixed-Methods)
- Sample – Who is engaging in the research?
- Phenomenon of Interest – What or how are we trying to understand (experiences, behaviors, decisions) of participants?
- Design - Theoretical framework (questionnaire, survey, interview, etc.)
- Evaluation - What measurement will be used to evaluate the PI?
- Research Type - Qualitative or mixed methods