If you began your search of a database through the link from the library page, you should see a button that says "Find it @ USF" when you click through to any article.
2. Click on the PDF
That should take you through to the library catalog entry for the article. If the full-text for the article is in the library collection, you should be able to access it from here. You may see links that say "Access PDF" or "Download PDF" at the top of the record. Try those first.
3. Look under Full text availability
If you don't see that or they are not working, look further down the record for the section titled Full text availability. This will list the various collections that should contain the article.
4. Request the article via Interlibrary Loan
If we don't have it, you should see a link to place an interlibrary loan request for it. This will take you directly to the interlibrary loan request system and it should even fill in the article information for you.