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Shimberg Health Sciences Library & Florida Blue Health Knowledge Exchange

USF Health Libraries Exhibits

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This Lead is Killing Us: A History of Citizens Fighting Lead Poisoning in Their Communities

Images credit: NNLM

Visit the traveling exhibit at the USF Shimberg Library 

December 14th, 2023- January 25th, 2024

Lead exposure can cause neurological problems and sometimes even death; yet this metal has been pervasive in many aspects of American life for over a century. Historically, mining, battery manufacturing, smelting, and enameling industries included lead in their production processes, impacting factory workers and consumers. Manufacturers added lead to household paints and gasoline, endangering the health of families and polluting the air through exhaust fumes. 

This Lead Is Killing Us: A History of Citizens Fighting Lead Poisoning in Their Communities, guest curated by historian and educator Richard M. Mizelle, Jr, PhD (University of Houston), tells an important story of advocates protecting their communities from the dangers of lead and making their voices heard with industry, housing authorities, and elected officials.

A digital gallery features a curated selection of fully digitized items from NLM Digital Collections that showcase numerous historical scientific studies and reports about the dangers of lead.

The National Library of Medicine produced this exhibition and companion website.