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Shimberg Health Sciences Library & Florida Blue Health Knowledge Exchange

NIH Grants Guide

How to add citations to My Bibliography

How to add citations from PubMed

Click Add from PubMed and enter query into the search box that appears.

  1. From the search results or  within a particular article record, click on the 'Send to' drop-down.
  2. Click on 'My Bibliography.'
  3. Click on the 'Add to My Bibliography' button that appears.

Send articles from PubMed to MyBib

Adding citations to My Bibliography

NOTE: You are responsible for ensuring compliance of any NIH funded publication for which you were either an author OR the PI of the grant.  This means you may need to include articles for which you were not an author but which were supported by a grant you are a PI on.

How to add citations manually

Click 'Add manually' and select the type of citation you would like to add. Enter citation information into the fields as appropriate and click 'Add Citation'

How to add citations by uploading a file

Click the 'Upload a file' button. Select a file with citations in either MEDLINE or RIS format.

A confirmation message indicates the number of citations added to your My Bibliography collection.

Help with adding citations to My Bibliography

For additional information about adding citations to My Bibliography, check out this NLM guide