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Shimberg Health Sciences Library & Florida Blue Health Knowledge Exchange

Evidence Synthesis / Systematic Reviews

Identify and remove duplicate records Review title/abstract for each record based on criteria (minimum 2 independent reviewers) Obtain full articles for all records that met criteria Review full articles (minimum 2 independent reviewers) to determine studies that will be included in your review Record numbers in PRISMA flow sheet Consider searching references of included studies.

Identify and remove duplicate records

  • Collect your records from all databases
  • Identify duplicates. Helpful tools: EndNote, Covidence, Rayyan (see toolbox)
  • Record the number of duplicates for your PRISMA flow diagram

Perform title/abstract screening

  • Perform interrater reliability on a small set of records prior to screening.
  • Review the title and abstract of each record against the inclusion/exclusion criteria. This should be done independently by a minimum of 2 people with a 3rd person familiar with the subject as tie breaker for any conflicts.
  • Record the number of records excluded at this stage for your PRISMA flowchart.

Full text screening

  • Obtain full text for all records that met your inclusion criteria. Note any full text not accessible for PRISMA flowchart.
  • Perform interrater reliability on a small set of reports prior to starting screening.
  • Evaluate each article independently by a minimum of 2 reviewers with a 3rd person to act as tie breaker.
  • Record exclusions with the reasons for omitting the article for the PRISMA flowchart.

Record numbers in a PRISMA flowchart

The PRISMA diagram shows the flow of records through the phases of a systematic review. It maps the number of records identified, included and excluded, record sources, and the reasons for exclusions. Different templates are available depending on the type of review (new or updated) and sources used in the review.