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Shimberg Health Sciences Library & Florida Blue Health Knowledge Exchange

Evidence Synthesis / Systematic Reviews

Summarize findings and make recommendations.  Consult PRISMA reporting standards and author guidelines of potential journals.

Summarize findings and make recommendations

In this final stage, you will report on your findings by combining and evaluating the data from included studies. Your report should include documentation of each step of the process with enough detail that your review could be reproduced. The report should conclude with recommendations regarding your findings and the need for further research.

Consult PRISMA reporting standards and journal author guidelines

Your manuscript should follow accepted reporting guidelines. You can find the appropriate guidelines based on the specific review type  by consulting PRISMA 2020, the Equator Network Toolkit, as well as the guidelines required by your target journal

  • manuscript format
  • page limits
  • image requirements
  • additional instructions for preparation and submission of the article