Due to current Executive Orders for the review of federal websites, including the Department of Health and Human Services, federal data sources and documents may be temporarily unavailable. If you are unable to access a federal website, please use the Internet Archive, which may have an archived copy of the website [https://web.archive.org/].
Medical textbooks, quick reference, multimedia, drug therapy cases, diagnostics, and self-assessment tools. NOTE:You must register for a free Access account to use the self-assessment tools and case studies.
DynaMedex combines the clinical expertise and extensive, curated disease content of DynaMed with the comprehensive view into treatment options, depth and breadth of drug information and advanced search capabilities of Micromedex. DynaMedex is a clinical reference tool created by physicians for physicians and other healthcare professionals for use at the point-of-care, now also with built-in drug and drug interaction information from Micromedex. You can also still access DynaMed without Micromedex.
DynaMed Decisions is also accessible in DynaMedex and is a clinical decision support tool that works alongside the information and evidence of DynaMedex.
NOTE: This resource is also available as a mobile app. Click on phone icon to learn more.
Covers the professional academic literature in psychology and related disciplines, including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, and linguistics.
Free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature. If you have difficulties logging in to your MyNCBI account, try going to PubMed directly www.pubmed.gov
Access to peer-reviewed literature from scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. Scopus also includes extensive journal metrics and author profiles.
Evidence-based, clinical resource to be used for educational purposes only to optimize learning and to identify information for clinical problem-solving. NOTE: This resource is also available as a mobile app. Click on phone icon to learn more.
Interactive 3D models of the human body including complete male and female gross anatomy models, system and microanatomy views, diagnostic imaging, cadaver slices, and 3D cross-section models. Animated 3D muscle action models and physiology topics and pathologies.
Contains research across the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities from journals, books and conference proceedings. Features citation linking, hot papers, and highly cited articles.
Includes Web of Science Core Collection (1900-), BIOSIS Citation Index (1926-), Current Contents Connect (1998-), Data Citation Index (1900-), Derwent Innovations Index (1963-), KCI-Korean Journal Database (1980-), MEDLINE® (1950-), Russian Science Citation Index (2005-), and SciELO Citation Index (2002-). Tools include InCites Benchmarking & Analytics, Journal Citation Reports, and Essential Science Indicators.